Sunday, May 1, 2016


May Day 2016- Just finished reading again Ordering your private world by Gordon MacDonald.
I'm an underliner.
Daily Quiet time.
Invite Christ to control every segment of my life.
Read biographies. (I have Amy Carmichael's that I haven't read yet.)  He suggests Lettie B cowman's Charle E Cowman.
5 sectors: 1 Our motivation driven or called
                 2 how we use our time personal growth and serving others.
                 3 what we do with our minds  (Tv, meaningless books or spiritual rechargers?)
                4 spirit
                5 rest Sabbath peace
the nner world of the spiritual must govern the outer world of activity ( it must be given more time and attention)
Start with Chapter 1:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Favorite Spiritual books

I am re-reading Ordering your Private World by Gordon McDonald and enjoying it once again!

Just finished.  There is a study guide in the back.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Last Supper account in the 4 Gospels by Donna Railsback Braly

Have you ever read the 4 Gospel accounts of the Last Supper?  They are interesting.   The eye opener for me was Luke, but please read all, and do your own comparison!
 In Matthew, Jesus says one of you will betray me.  They all say is it I, Lord?  (Did they believe Jesus and doubt their faith?  Were they being humble?) Then they ate the Passover meal.  Jesus says this is my body, this is my blood, given for forgiveness of sins.   I've heard a sermon on how bizarre and against their nature this was.  They didn't eat blood, they didn't eat people.  That's not what he was saying.   Jesus says you will all fall away from me tonight.  Jesus’ prayer is an example to us:  Your will, Lord, not mine.  Jesus tells his apostles to watch and pray that they not enter into temptation.  The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.  Peter declares I won't desert you.  Jesus says tonight you will deny me three times.  I don't believe this was to humble Peter, but to reassure him when it happened.  Peter and all the disciples said if we have to die, we will not deny you.
Mark's account is interesting.  The disciples ask where shall we prepare for You the Passover?  Jesus says prepare for us the Passover.  The rest seems the same as the Matthew account to me.
Luke-   verse 8  tells us Peter and John are the preparers.  A lot of people rag on Peter, open mouth, insert foot.  And John was one of the sons of thunder who asked or let his mother ask for him, to be seated at Jesus' side and also, elsewhere to bring down thunder on people.  (Was this a setup for an object lesson, Jesus knew their hearts & natures.) They forgot or didn't plan for foot washing.  Verse 15- Jesus says I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you.  (Isn't that sweet?!)  It is occurring to me lately how patient Jesus was with these disciples and almost everyone He came into contact with.  (He didn’t like the money changers cheating the people in the name of worship!  He didn’t like the religious leaders’ manmade laws that made it harder to worship God.)  The disciples question among themselves who is the betrayer.  Somehow that turns into which of us is the greatest?  Were they getting loud and angry?  Jesus says, (wonder if he had to shout to get their attention): If you want to be great in My kingdom, be a servant of all.  Can you hear them saying, Say What?  V 31 says Jesus prayed for Peter before his denials.  V 32 Jesus says to Peter when you have turned, strengthen your brothers. V. 33 Peter says I’m ready to go with you both to prison and death.  v. 34 Jesus says you will deny that you know me three times tonight.  V 40 Jesus went to the Mount of Olives to pray as his custom was.  (That’s how Judas knew where to find him. )  We need to pray so much more than Jesus did.  V. 43 says an angel from heaven strengthened Jesus.
John  v. 14 wash each other’s feet ( do the menial tasks, no glory.)  V 17 know and do = blessed.  Knowledge isn’t enough, we must act.  V 34 a new commandment I give you: (What:) Love 1 another (how:) as I’ve loved you. (Why?)  All people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for 1 another.  (love as Jesus:  die to self, be patient with the people you’re mentoring, everyone except those who make worship impossible for his people or cheat God’s people in the name of worship.…)  Jesus out of love for Peter forewarned him of his betrayals.